Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi

Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi
Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi
Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi
Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi II

Considered as ‘the most beautiful voice ever to come from Catalan music’ (Mingus B. Formentor, La Vanguardia). This songwriter from Solsona collaborates with one of the most distinguished and well-know folk groups, La Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona, in a joint performance. A combination of song and folk where it can be seen that popular music responds directly to tradition and where tradition, according to Mas, in the river from where we all take water and to which we all put water back. A combination of song and folk where it can be seen that popular music responds directly to tradition and where tradition, according to Mas, is the river from where we all take water and to which we all put water back. Pure fusion of tradition.

Obrador d'arrel de la Fira Mediterrània de Manresa
La Marfà-Centre de Creació Musical de Girona
Generalitat de Catalunya
- Premi Miquel Martí i Pol 2012 for the song "Si el mar tingués baranes", by Maria-Mercè Marçal
- Premi Enderrock by the crititcs to the best album of the year 2012 (Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi, 2012)
- Premi Enderrock 2012 by the critics to the best folk disc (Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi, 2012)
- Premi Enderrock 2012 by the public to the best folk artist (Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi, 2012)
- Premi Enderrock 2012 by the public to the best alive folk show (Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi, 2012)
- Premi Enderrock 2012 by the public to the best folk song (El dolor de la bellesa)

La Vanguàrdia - Donat Putx - 30/12/11
El Periódico - Jordi Bianciotto - 30/12/11
Nació Digital - Jordi Bianciotto - 29/12/11
Nació Digital - Ramon Estany - 29/12/11
Regió 7- 28/12/11

Roger Mas i la Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona - Satélite K - 2012


- Roger Mas: vocals and guitar
- Xavier Guitó: piano and vocals
- Josep Pinyu Martí: percussion
- Arcadi Marcet: bass and electric bass

Cobla Sant Jordi-Ciutat de Barcelona
- Xavier Torrent: flabiol i tamborí
- Ivan Alcazo i Oriol Gibert: tibles
- Enric Ortí i Conrad Dalmau: tenores
- Sergi Marquillas i Biel Pelfort: trompetes
- Martí Badia: trombó
- Pep Moliner i Jordi Montasell: fiscorns
- Joan Druguet: contrabaix

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